Your PAP Flap Reconstruction Procedure at the Institute for Advanced Breast Reconstruction

Autologous breast reconstruction is made possible by Dr. Dhivya Srinivasa’s extensive training in microsurgery. This highly advanced form of reconstructive surgery enables the transplantation of healthy skin, fat, and muscle—known collectively as a “tissue flap”—to another part of the body, giving Dr. Srinivasa the ability to create a natural breast mound that completely forgoes the utilization of any artificial implant. Autologous procedures, which utilize your own natural tissues and blood vessels, provide patients who have undergone radiation therapy with an opportunity to enjoy a fully restored bust. In many cases, this truly marks the final steps on the road to recovery after breast cancer.

The PAP Flap takes extra fat from the inner thigh to create a soft and natural breast. Scar options vary but often times can be hidden in natural creases to optimize aesthetics. If you’re ready to learn more about what Dr. Dhivya Srinivasa and her compassionate team can do for you, the Institute for Advanced Breast Reconstruction is here to help. Simply reach out to our Thousand Oaks or Beverly Hills locations and set up your in-person consultation today.

When to Consider the PAP Flap Reconstruction Technique

Choosing the autologous breast reconstruction technique that is best for you typically depends on a variety of factors. These most frequently include things like previous surgeries that you might have had (which can impact the viability of certain donor sites), in addition to your natural body composition. Dr. Srinivasa brings an exceptionally deep level of expertise and understanding to the table, and she’ll work with you to get to know your personal goals and guide you to the treatment that’ll be best for you and your recovery.

Patients who wind up choosing the PAP flap technique often do so for the following reasons:

  • Very thin or athletic patients may lack sufficient abdominal tissue
  • Previous surgeries in the abdominal region can similarly limit the availability of donor tissue and fat
  • You have enough tissue in your inner thigh to match your ideal breast size
  • You plan on having children in the future and wish to avoid impacting your abdominal region

The Added Benefits of PAP Flap Reconstruction

As with most autologous reconstruction techniques, the benefits that come along with the PAP Flap reconstruction procedure are twofold: You’ll enjoy a natural and soft reconstructed breast that closely matches your original bust, while also loving the slimming and toning effects the procedure winds up having on the donor area, as well.

This technique will leave your thighs tightened, as though you have undergone a cosmetic thigh lift. Scarring is very easily hidden in the natural crease that exists between your thigh and your buttocks, and this procedure can even be performed if you’ve previously undergone liposuction on one or both of your thighs.

Furthermore, this specific donor area contains supple and moldable fat that is ideal for sculpting into a shapely and aesthetic breast. The length of the blood vessels provided by this donor location also allows Dr. Srinivasa to complete the reconstruction without needing to take blood vessels from another location. 

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Your Breast Reconstruction Surgery and Recovery

Dr. Srinivasa will perform your reconstruction procedure at an accredited facility, and you’ll be placed under general anesthesia for the duration of your operation. The procedure will take between three and five hours to complete, with an incision made on the back of your upper thigh, just below your buttocks. A triangular section of skin and fat, kept healthy by blood vessels removed from the donor area, will be transplanted to your chest wall and formed into a breast mound.

You’ll likely stay in the hospital for two to three days following your procedure. Dr. Srinivasa and her team will give you detailed aftercare instructions and will answer any questions about the procedure that you may have during your in-person consultation. We will also schedule follow-up appointments with you to ensure that you’re healing properly and keep track of your progress as you continue your journey to true wellness and recovery.

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The Results You Deserve. A Doctor You Can Trust.

Dr. Dhivya Srinivasa is a double board-certified plastic surgeon, with extensive training in both general surgery and plastic surgery, in addition to fellowship training in microsurgery. This makes her one of the few practitioners to fully specialize in autologous breast reconstruction, thanks to her extensive experience with highly advanced microsurgical techniques.

At the Institute for Advanced Breast Reconstruction, we’re proud to be offering a full range of autologous breast reconstruction techniques, enabling you to safely and naturally rebuild the bust that makes you feel complete. When you’re ready to learn more about how we can help you truly complete the final steps in your recovery process, we’re here to help. Simply reach out to us at our Los Angeles or Thousand Oaks locations and set up your in-person consultation with a member of our team today.

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